Three things Narendra Modi must do in the reshuffle tomorrow if he doesnt want a surprise in 2019

Sat, 02 September 2017
Even if you are a fully paid-up bhakt sold into the bogus theology and mythology of Narendra Modi, it is clear that for all the bluff and bluster, the Gujarat Model has crashed and burned big time at the national level.

Many among his flock are uttering the dreaded word, KLPD: Kab Lautenge Puraane Din?

The RBIs official stamp on the #DeMonestisationDisaster and the latest GDP growth numbers this week are only the latest indicators that the gap between hype and reality, between promise and deliverance, is getting wider.

No amount of chest-thumping, threatening or trolling is going to change that before the 2019 electionswhich is perhaps why the ETA (estimated time of arrival) for Achche Din has been conveniently shifted to 2022, which arrogantly presumes he will win again.

Well, what if he doesnt?